Pokémon GO Tutorial

      For some player who are new to this game, you may found some difficulty on how to play it or you may not. More and more details are being revealed about the Pokémon GO game and its gameplay. That's why people are starting to search how to play Pokémon GO. This time, we would like to share Pokémon GO tutorial. It will answer questions such as how to catch a Pokémon, what is a PokéStop or Gym, how to claim a Gym or lower the prestige and level of a rival Gym.

      As with all Pokémon games, when a trainer begins their first journey, they're given a choice of which Pokémon to start with. After you've finished customizing your avatar, three Pokémon will appear in front of you. You can choose from Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle; after capturing one, the other two will disappear.In onder to catch a Pokémon, throw a Poké Ball to catch it.
      More than one player can catch the same Pokémon; if you and your friend see the same Pokémon on the street, you can both grab it for your separate collections.

      PokéStops are important or iconic places around your area: They may be special benches with dedication plaques, permanent art installations, or historic landmarks.
      PokéStops are an easy way to collect items, experience, and Poké Eggs

      When a PokéStop is within range, the blue cube will transform into a spinning disc, which you can tap on to visit. Inside, you'll see the PokéStop symbol with a disc in the middle that displays the location's photo; you may also get some historical information about the monument, if you're into that sort of thing.

      Swipe the disc to spin it, and you'll be rewarded with a variety of items. Items can include Poké Eggs, Poké Balls, healing potions, and more. As you increase in levels, you unlock new items to collect.
       After you visit a PokéStop, the blue pole will change to purple, and you'll be unable to visit for at least 10 minutes.

      When you reach level five and visit a Gym, you'll be asked to join one of three color-coded teams: Instinct (Yellow), Mystic (Blue), or Valor (Red).
      Much like PokéStops, Gyms are actual landmarks out in the world, and they are where all Pokémon battles happen. You can claim them for your team, or help level up a Gym already claimed for your team to build up its prestige.

      Trainers can take over an unoccupied Gym and claim it for the Instinct, Mystic, or Valor team. If your team's color is in control of a Gym, you can train your Pokémon inside, one at a time. If a Gym is held by an opposing team, you'll need to battle the Pokémon standing guard to lower its prestige and have a chance of taking it over.
      Gyms earn prestige when you train your Pokémon in one that your team controls, and lose prestige when opposing teams win battles against the Pokémon left there. Your team's Gym will earn experience points to gain prestige, which will amount to leveling up the Gym. As its levels increase, so do the number of Gym Leaders.

      Entering a Gym triggers a fun mini-game wherein you attack the opposing Pokémon, and dodge their attacks. While battling, you have three options: You can tap the screen to attack, press and hold the screen to initiate a special attack, or swipe left or right to dodge an opponent's attack. Just as with traditional Pokémon games, the goal is to reduce your opponent's Pokémon to zero hit points.

      To steal control of a Gym that is already occupied by an opposing team, you must win in battle against all of the Gym Leaders' Pokémon in it. Beating leaders in the Gym will lower its prestige, but it will take multiple battles against the same Pokémon in order to occupy it for your team.
       When you occupy a gym, you not only help your team — but you earn PokéCoins, too! Every 20 hours, you can visit the Shop and redeem your coins, based on how many gyms you currently occupy.

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